ORF of platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b, regulatory subunit 1 (45kDa) (PAFAH1B1) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
ORF of collagen, type VI, alpha 3 (COL6A3), transcript variant 3 in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
THRA; AR7; c-ERBA-1; EAR7; ERB-T-1; ERBA; ERBA1; MGC000261; MGC43240; NR1A1; THRA1; THRA2
ORF of thyroid hormone receptor, alpha (THRA), transcript variant 1 in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
ZDHHC19; DHHC19; MGC33345
ORF of zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 19 (ZDHHC19) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
MYO1D; KIAA0727; myr4
ORF of myosin ID (MYO1D) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
AKT3; DKFZp434N0250; PKB-GAMMA; PKBG; PRKBG; RAC-gamma; RAC-PK-gamma; STK-2
ORF of v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 3 (protein kinase B, gamma) (AKT3), transcript variant 2 in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
YOD1; DKFZp451J1719; DUBA8; OTUD2; PRO0907; RP11-164O23.1
ORF of YOD1 OTU deubiquinating enzyme 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (YOD1) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
GLP1R; MGC138331
ORF of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.